I did my Numerology tonight to see what it would say. I thought I could get alittle laugh out of it but boy was I ever wrong! So close to the truth. WOW! The laugh was on me. Anyway, here it is.....
You need people and feel incomplete without someone to love and care about. Shared happiness and togetherness are more important to you than personal glory or being in the limelight. You are most comfortable being in a supporting role, and you are likely to depend a great deal on your mate and your close friends. Considerate, tactful, and sensitive to the needs of others, you instinctively know how to blend with people. You are adaptable and you understand the ebb and flow, the give and take, the compromises necessary for harmonious relationships.
That was really scary to read! LOL! Oh, theres more.....
You are a peace maker, the one to pour oil over troubled waters, but because you value peace so much, you may submit your own will to another, stronger person rather than fight. Though you don't like to rock the boat, you should learn to stand up for yourself when you need to.
This is slightly off. I'm usually the one fighting. My mouth seems to have a mind of its own at times. Just recently I became my familys BLACK SHEEP! I said the things that others wanted to say but didnt have the guts. I'm ashamed how I acted but still stand up for my beliefs. Hopefully by the holidays this whole matter will dissolve and there will be harmony again if not, It will be some lonely holidays to look forward too. I'm rambling again.......